Life’s Heart – December #2 Update


Tim has been in Naroosura this past week working in the orchard and field there. There were a few fruit trees to be planted and the field was prepared for the planting of maize and beans. A new tank was installed and maintenance work was completed on the irrigation system. Plus bananas and oranges are ready to harvest. Our good friend, Mama Rose picked the oranges and bunches of bananas to sell at Wednesday’s Market Day.  God provides!

The borehole well at Nkairamiram site was not pumping correctly so WilMag, the well people were called. One of the solar panels had a faulty manufacturing issue. The panel will be replaced. The borehole well’s water table is still great – lots of water! The trees are being watered and plenty of water for the community is available.

The truck driver from Nuchura was able to connect Tim with Somien and get pictures of Laisa and Napanoi to me! The two girls have grown and are blessed with a healthy life now. The people in the area still worship at the “elephant” church. And on Monday, Dodo had surgery on one foot and her left hand. The surgeon had decided to do the feet at 3 week intervals. Then after the pain subsided, Dodo and her mama were dismissed on Thursday. She will be cared for at home by her mama until time for the next surgery.

Life’s Heart is blessed! Thankful for the borehole wells pumping and water flowing, fruit to harvest, crops to plant and healing to those in medical need. Tim and I are especially thankful for those who pray and support Life’s Heart. Mungu Awabariki!

Be Blessed!


